This is the second blog post in our Waste-Free 2023 series. The series looks at changes we can make in our daily lives to reduce our waste. In this post, we look at simple changes you can make in the bathroom.
Remember, that making the transition to waste-free living doesn’t have to happen all at once. Small changes added to slowly are more likely to stick so start with one change you can make today and go from there. Let's kick into it!
Here are some simple waste-free switches you can make in the bathroom:
Toiletries - Solid shampoo and conditioner bars such as Ethique are a great way to rid your life of single-use plastic. This solid bar format is also now available for moisturisers as well. Storing moisturiser bars in a tin or sealable container is always a great idea. Also, look to swap out body wash for un-packaged soap. Brands like Beyond Soap offer bulk unpackaged soap. There are also dry shampoos and deodorants available now that come in paper compostable packaging which Aoteaoad offer.
Toothpaste - With so many new brands looking at more sustainable ways for us to do things, there is now a great selection of tooth tablets and powders on the market, all of which don’t come in a plastic tube.
Toilet Paper - When it comes to toilet paper, the things to look for are what it is made of (ie. trees or a fast-growing material like bamboo) and also what it is packaged in (ie. plastic or paper). There are some great companies doing plastic-free TP out there including With Small (formally Smartass) and Eco Roll. The best bit is that they deliver on subscription which makes the switch even easier.
Disposables - Products like razors are something that many of us are in the habit of buying single-use. Companies like Cali Woods offer safety razors where the razor can be re-used and just the blade needs to be replaced. They even offer a blade take-back recycling system to close the loop. Toothbrushes are another disposable worth looking at. When it comes to toothbrushes, ditch the plastic and opt for brushes made from natural fibres (such as bamboo).
Until next time!
The team at Foodprint

Until next time!
The team at Foodprint